Monday, March 7, 2011

What started it all...

First post!

I'm transferring to GA State next Spring, which means I will be moving out of my dad's house. (It's past time to grow up.) The furniture in my room is really nice, but none of it matches. I have a few pieces from when my dad was younger, and a few pieces I have just accumulated, like my vanity and desk.
I decided it would be a good idea to paint my the furniture in my room these different shades of gray:

The easiest piece of furniture to start with was my nightstand. I hadn't painted in awhile, and I just wanted to get something done. I went to Home Depot and bought the deepest shade of gray, primer, paintbrushes, and primer. After the first coat of primer, I remember I should have sanded it first...

I forgot to take a "before" picture of the nightstand, so I had to search my computer videos for a shot of the piece. This is what I got:

After I finished painting, I realized it REALLY needed new hardware as well.
(Home Depot has become my best friend.)
This is the after result:

Next up was my vanity seat. It's perfect, but it had definitely seen better days. See?

I painted it the same dark gray, and covered the seat with a silky peachy-pink color. This is how it turned out:

I'm planning on recovering it with an animal print.

I decided to take on a much bigger project next: my desk chair.

I had gotten it at a flea market a couple of years ago. It is really comfy, but ugly as it can be. Again, I forgot to take a before picture, so all I have are a few pictures from still shots, but here they are:

I took the whole chair apart and painted the wood black. I bought a black and white houndstoothy fabric to cover it with. I decided to just wing it and see what happened. This is the process I took:

I got pretty scared about how it would turn out, but after some strong upholstery thread and a bunch of fabric glue, it was all finished. It actually turned out to be really great!

After a break of working on my own furniture and working on custom pieces, I finally got around to painting my bed. It was white and sad looking, so I decided to paint it with a black-metallic spraypaint.

Before: (I remembered to take a "before" picture after I had already started. I really need to get better that that...)


And after!

So this is my room furniture so far!

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