Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Chair - Colors of Cancer

I was asked to participate in an event called "Colors of Cancer", which is a dinner and fashion show that is sponsored by the Cancer Warriors. You may remember my past post about it.
In addition to modeling in the fashion show, I also donated a breast cancer awareness chair to the silent auction. I worked on the chair for 4 months, collecting ties, finding the perfect chair, etc.


It was in terribly bad shape, so in addition to intense sanding, it also needed a good bit of wood putty. I chose a lovely shade of pink to paint the chair, and I painted a pink ribbon on the side before adding 2 coats of polyurethane. 
After it was painting, it was time for the seat. I spent a lot of time finding ties with pink in them. This is how the chair turned out. 

Close up of the ribbon:

I had a booth with some furniture for sale at the event. (pix to come)

Here are some of the modeling pictures:

(Girls getting ready)

(One of my outfits)

(Outfit #1)

(Outfit #2)

This was such a great event. I was honored to be a part of it!